
Cosmic Angels...

Di nuovo. Improvviso e inaspettato. Mentre cercavo di catturare ancora una volta la Vita agitando le braccia sott'acqua, come se la stessi soltanto inspirando attraverso le mie cellule. L'acqua nelle orecchie, il sale nei miei occhi doloranti, il sottile potere di un'onda che mi attraversa e nuvole come ali di un prezioso Angelo cosmico sopra di me...

Again. Suddenly and unexpected. While trying to catch Life back with my fluttering arms underwater, as if I was just breathing it in through my cells. Water in my ears, salt in my aching eyes, the subtle power of a wave running over me and clouds as wings of a cosmic, precious Angel above me...


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Soundtrack: You're Not Alone - Mads Langer

In a way it´s all a matter of time
I will not worry for you You´ll be just fine
Take my thoughts with you and when you look behind
You will surely see a face that you recognize

You´re not alone I´ll wait till the end of time
Open your mind Surely it´s plain to see
You´re not alone I´ll wait till the end of time for you
Open your mind Surely there´s time to be with me

It is the distance that makes life a little hard
Two minds that once were close Now so many miles apart
I will not falter though I´ll hold on till you´re home
Safely back where you belong And see how our love has grown

You´re not alone I´ll wait till the end of time
Open your mind Surely it´s plain to see
You´re not alone I´ll wait till the end of time for you
Open your mind Surely there´s time to be with me

You´re not alone Surely there´s time to be with me
Open your mind yeahhhh



Riordinare il Caos ad arte armato e reimmergersi nel Caso inaspettato, cavare buchi dai ragni e farsi Penelopi di se stessi, inspirare ed espirare, costruire e decostruire, ricominciarsi, reinventarsi, spogliarsi e poi rivestirsi, la morte nell'atrio, la vita nel ventricolo. Dissolvere il buio e masticarlo forte. Rivedere la luce, spalancare le porte!


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Image: Robert Weigand - Night and Day

Soundtrack: Until I Drown - Tears For Fears

took a long time to mend
took a long time to make amends
funny how the story goes
strip a man bare and burn his clothes

time is all i crave
it comes in waves
i will be here until i drown

system's on overload
goes to bed warm but wakes up cold
what a bloody cross to bare
time on my hands but i don't care

days are all the same
they wax and wane
i will be here until i drown

time is all i crave
it comes in waves
i will be here until i drown

days are all the same
they wax and wane
i will be here until i drown

time is all i crave
it comes in waves
i will be here until i drown



Agguantò il suo nuovo libro-amuleto e lo infilò furtivamente nella borsa, facendo attenzione che non si sgualcisse, e si incamminò a caccia di una nuova dose di adrenalina per tentare di riequilibrare in una sorta di neuronale osmosi le energie perdute quella mattina. Da alcune ore l'odiata voragine aveva già ricominciato ad aprirsi, la sentiva vibrare nello stomaco mentre tentava di fagocitarla, una volta ancora.


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Image: Gwen John - The Precious Book

Soundtrack: Back When You Were Beautiful - No-Man

Singing songs they'll never understand.
tempo drifts
in half-cut wonderlands.
back when you were beautiful,

they'd smile and shake your hand.

friendship comes,
but it mostly goes.
you mark the time with your fading clothes.
back when you were beautiful,
you'd pass it off as pose.
you walk for hours,
your feet like lead.
you keep your secrets locked inside your heads.
back when you were beautiful,
the needle pushed the red.


Self Embrace (Or The Domino Effect)

Non cercare qualcuno che ti renda felice. Impara tu stesso a renderti felice e, se proprio non ti riesce, lascia che qualcun altro ti insegni come farlo. Una volta che l'avrai imparato, condividi il frutto della tua conoscenza di te stesso con coloro che ami e poi resta a guardare quello che accade... E' così che agisce l'Amore Universale.


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Image: Frida Kahlo - The Love Embrace Of The Universe, 1949

Soundtrack: I Am Mine - Pearl Jam

The selfish, they’re all standing in line
Faithing and hoping to buy themselves time
Me, I figure as each breath goes by
I only own my mind

The north is to south what the clock is to time
There's east and there's west and there's everywhere life
I know I was born and I know that I'll die
The in between is mine
I am mine

And the feeling, it gets left behind
All the innocence lost at one time
Significant, between the eyes
There's no need to hide,....
We're safe tonight

The ocean is full cause everyone's crying
The full moon is looking for friends at high tide
The sorrow grows bigger when the sorrow's denied
I only know my mind
I am mine

And the meaning, it gets left behind
All the innocents lost at one time
Significant, behind the eyes
There's no need to hide,....
We're safe tonight

And the feelings that get left behind
All the innocence broken with lies
Significance, between the lines
We may need to hide

And the meanings that get left behind
All the innocents lost at one time
We're all different behind the eyes
There's no need to hide



Attendeva con fremente impazienza di aprire un nuovo capitolo e dare una svolta alla sua vita. Quale infernale e indicibile fatica, passare attraverso le forche caudine e superare il muro che aveva ormai interiorizzato. Aveva smesso di cercare una spinta, ed ecco che, proprio allora, avevano cominciato ad arrivarle da ogni lato. Erano come carezze, e si sentiva come le foglie sospinte in aria da certe lievi brezze...

"It is by faith that poetry,
as well as devotion,
soarse above this dull earth;
that imagination breaks
through its clouds,
breathes a purer air,
and lives in a softer light."

Henry Giles


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Soundtrack: Sacrifice - Lisa Gerrard



Edonismo. Equilibrismo. Equinozio.
La mia vita è uno strazio.
Rompere gli schemi. Rompere gli indugi.
Cercare dei pertugi.
Diavolerie elettroniche. Chincaglierie istrioniche.
Reazioni isteriche.

Quando comincerai a scegliere per te? Quando imparerai a separare il piacere dal dolore?
La vita sa riconoscere i gesti disinteressati. Se i tuoi non lo sono, non pretendere risposte: non arriveranno.


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Image: Fairy Dust - Shaytu Schwandes

Soundtrack: At Last I Am Free - Elizabeth Fraser

At last I am free
I can hardly see in front of me
I can hardly see in front of me

And now love please listen
To what I say
I can't go on living life this way
I've tried and I've tried
To make you see
You call this love
All this lying, my friend, it just can't be

At last I am free
I can hardly see in front of me
I can hardly see in front of me

And now love, please hold me
Come closer, my dear
It feels so good, just having you near
But who am I fooling
When I know it's not real?
I can't hide
All this hurt and pain inside I feel